At El Monarca we know the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and that is why we collaborate with different foundations and projects of a social nature
Fruits and vegetables El Monarca, committed to what is ours
Solidarity Melon Down
In collaboration with Assido , since 2002 we have been offering the opportunity to buy Melón Solidario . With the purchase of this melon, it has collaborated with projects such as RESSIDO , which is based on provide quality of life and employment social services to people with Down syndrome, through the construction of leisure centers and a residence that, 365 days a year, houses people over 40 with disabilities, thus improving their quality of life.
Since 2017, Melón Solidario has been made in collaboration with Down España and El Corte Inglés . Melon can be purchased from May to October at Grupo El Corte Inglés stores (Supermercado, Hipercor and Supercor), both in physical stores and online .

Solidarity Watermelon DOWN

Since 2018 , in addition to the Solidarity Melon, you can buy the Solidarity Watermelon , also for the benefit of Down Spain and which can be purchased in the stores of the El Corte Inglés Group (Supermercado, Hipercor and Supercor). Like melon, it can be purchased online on the group’s websites.
Solidarity Artichoke DOWN
After the success of the solidarity melon campaign 2017, we have commercialized a new product for the months of November to March. Like melon, it can be purchased at Grupo El Corte Inglés stores (Supermercado, Hipercor and Supercor), both in physical stores and online. Thanks to the alcahofa, you can buy solidarity products in favor of Down Spain throughout the year .


In 2018 we created the solidarity project Un Mar de Vida, made in a container created especially for this product, a melon box in the color that represents the fight against breast cancer, pink.
The profit from these melons goes to the Flamenco Rosa Sports Association, made up entirely of women who have overcome breast cancer, and who make up the Dragon Boat Flamenco Rosa BS rowing team, the first in Spain in this BCS rowing modality ( Breast Cancer Survivors, Breast Cancer Survivors)